Build up: I was in my 3rd grade. Studying Hindi was like tasting a bittergourd for me back then :P There was a paat - Birbal in Bal Bharathi. Learning or rather mugging up a three line answer was so tough. (Poor me!) I tried real hard to learn but failed.
Memoir: Everyday my dad used to drop me at the bus stop where the "makkan" van(I still wonder why did they call that a makkan(butter) van! should be the pet name for my school van) would pick me up to school. Dad would always carry my heavy bag to the bus stop and load the responsibility to the conductor bhaiyya. This special day, dad missed the bag and I neva bothered about it. When I landed the school and got down from the bus, I started looking for my bag, I could not find it anywhere! Poor me started crying. I even thought that the conductor bhaiyya should have thrown it on the way for some mysterious reason. I told the driver bhaiyya to search for my bag on the way when he goes for the second trip pick up.
Was wondering if I should even go to class, what would "Sunithi miss" say. I was the top rank holder, was bothered about my prestige ;) Getting any kinda punishment would be really very hard as top ranking students only see others being punished and they are proud that they have done their homework neatly. There was a small tint of joy at the corner of my heart that I need not write the Birbal test as I left my test copy in my bag which the conductor bhaiyya lost :D(I did not study for the test). The whole day was like a holiday. Though I was there in the class, I did not have my copies to take notes and I did not have books to read. I was curiously looking at fellow mates doing their class work(kinda felling proud with my mind voice saying - "losers, dekho I am totally free today"*evil smile*). Birbal test was post lunch(I did not have lunch as conductor bhaiyya lost my bag with the lunch box, shared lunch with my friends).Sunithi miss exempted me from writing the test as I did not have the test copy(which was in my bag. The coductor bhaiyya had lost it.) The "duffer" guy(he turned out to be genius later :)) sitting next to me had to write the test. He was trying real hard and hoping that "studiuos" Ishwarya would have studied and she would tell the answers."Poor" fella he had no idea that I was equally dumb as he was.
5 more minutes for the period to get over, when my mom arrived at the class door! (I was wondering what she was doing!) and there she was holding my school bag. I had forgotten the bag and started to school without the books and copies :P My mom noticed that lying near the couch and immediately she brought it to school. The whole class started laughing including Sunithi miss and I felt sheepish :D
Now, was leaving/forgetting the bag in home was intentional or.... ? Let me just end it here :D
It was the nostalgia factor and some stunning visuals that struck a chord
with me as far as 96 was concerned. Though I wouldn’t call myself a big fan
of th...
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